Yamaha YSL-646
I get quite a few questions about the equipment I use, so I thought I would give you the details here. I've used quite a few different trombones over the years as my main horn -- Yamaha YSL-646 (1989-1992), Bach LT16M (1992-1994), King 2102L Jiggs Whigham Model (1994-1998), King 2103BPL 3B+ (1998-1999), Edwards T-302 (1999), Yamaha YSL-683G (1999-2003). My current trombone of choice since 2003 is the Yamaha YSL-646, a .525 bore trigger tenor. More recently, I’ve been experimenting with a red brass bell from a YSL-356R. I can't recommend the King and Yamaha brands enough if you are a jazz player, and this larger bore seems to keep the flexibility factor at a maximum.
My three King Jiggs Whigham mouthpieces
As far as mouthpieces go, I've always played best on mouthpieces somewhere near/between a Bach 6 1/2 AL and a Bach 7C. I've tried lots of different mouthpieces by many manufacturers, and after using the King Jiggs Whigham mouthpiece since it's initial release about fifteen years ago, I added the Marcinkiewicz Jiggs Whigham mouthpiece. The Macinkiewicz seems to play a bit better with a more open lead pipe, while the King brand mouthpiece is a bit darker, so I tend to use it with tighter-feeling equipment.
Additionally, I also have an old Pan American Euphonium that gets dragged out from time to time. I play a Hohner ST32 melodica that has been getting increasing use on reggae gigs. On occasion I will also play with a variety of guitar pedals -- Boss OC-2 Octave, Boss PS-5 Super Shifter, Boss CH-1 Super Chorus, and Digitech Bad Monkey Tube Overdrive.